KZ Gedenkstätte Dachau, Munich | Dark Tourism (2013)

A synchronicity occurred in my life yesterday. I was researching unusual places in Germany for a (different) blog I write for, and I fell down an internet hole looking at what’s called ‘dark tourism’ – visiting places associated with death & tragedy. I never realised that this had a name, but I guess I am…

The White Rose Resistance To The NS Dictatorship, Munich

I visited all sorts of things and places on my Munich trip, but the one that had the biggest impact on me was the Weiße Rose (White Rose) memorial and exhibition, located in the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU). Before my trip I had scribbled down ‘White Rose memorial’ as a place of interest, but didn’t…

Asamkirche, Munich

One thing on my list of ‘hidden gems’ to find in Munich was the Asamkirche (Asam church), a stunning church tucked in between some ordinary buildings. But I was nearing the end of my trip and I hadn’t been there yet. This was mostly because of the church’s location: It was, apparently, located in the…

Ghost Train Station Olympiastadion, Munich

Following on from my post about Olympiapark and the brightly-coloured student accommodation, if you’re into urban/abandoned stuff then when you visit Olympia you might be interested in seeing Geisterbahnhof Olympiastadion – Munich’s very own ghost train station. I learnt of this place when researching the word Geisterbahnhof for a blog post. Originally used to describe…

The Comic-Book Student Houses Of Olympiadorf, Munich

There are several little gems to be found in and around the area in Munich known as Olympia. Olympiapark itself was the venue of the 1972 Summer Olympic Games, and it still exists today as a venue for sporting events, concerts and festivals. Because of its open, green areas, it’s a great place to go…

Friedensengel (Angel of Peace), Munich

Friede – peace. I always enjoy visiting places that represent peace. This is one of them. The Friedensengel (Angel of Peace) is a beautiful, golden statue put up in 1896 to mark 25 peaceful years following the Franco-German war (1870/71). The Friedensengel stands a massive 38 metres high and looks down over Prinzregentenstraße. The angel…

Ruhmeshalle and Bavaria Statue, Munich

After finding the Endless Staircase and Sweet Brown Snail sculptures I went in search of the Bavaria statue, which was situated close by in Bavaria Park. I was expecting a normal-sized statue and wasn’t expecting to be too amazed. But as I walked up the hill and saw the statue, I was actually blown away…

Platz der Opfer des Nationalsozialismus, Munich

Wandering along away from Viscardigasse, slightly lost but happy about it, I came across this: Platz der Opfer des Nationalsozialismus – Square for the Victims of National Socialism (na-zi). The square itself was named in 1946, one year after 2. Weltkrieg (WW2) ended, to remember those who were killed by the Nazis because of their…